Saturday, June 15, 2013


After a long break, dealing with health and other personal issues, "Creative Creasings" is back on active duty again.

 As usual, new models displayed on these pages will be accompanied by a basic crease pattern image for which there is, of course, no charge.  That is my continuing gift to the expert origami community.  Not everyone can make these items from this sparse information, especially when the construction is less than straight forward.  Many of you have asked for detailed instructions but, as you know, these are quite time consuming to prepare, and sometimes fiendishly difficult to illustrate in a flat 2-D format.  I have, however, been working on this task.   I expect it will take a couple of years before I can diagram every model that I have posted here, but I have managed to make some progress, especially on my newer models.

The first batch of fully illustrated and diagrammed instructions are now available.  You will find them at my new ETSY shop (Berry Goodies) where you can download them almost instantly.  Just click on the ETSY button in the side panel to the left of this text box.

This will cost you a token amount that will help cover some of the expenses involved in developing models, photographing them, diagramming them, listing them on ETSY and, of course, the cost of maintaining an active internet connection.   Some of them (like the 48 page booklet on Diamond Lock letter folds) are quite a bargain compared with comparable material sold on Amazon.  When I have more models available I will start to offer pick-and-choose combinations that will let you make your own book with just the designs you prefer for a lot less than it costs to buy the designs individually. 

I began the process by diagramming my Letter Fold Series of which there are 20 distinct types.  All the Instant Downloads available on the Berry Goodies site (except for the Free Gift) are from this series.  So far, just under half of them have been uploaded.  The rest will be arrive on the site as they are completed.   Then I will begin work on other and older models. 

Here is a LIST OF AVAILABLE ORIGAMI INSTRUCTIONS at Berry Goodies right now.  Enjoy!

Diagonal Slash Letter Fold - 5 pages

Central Square Letter Fold - 6 pages

Loan Diamond Letter Fold and Variants - 7 pages

Heart Letter Fold - 4 pages

Bow Tie Letter Fold - 5 pages

Pentagonal Letter Fold - 6 pages

Central Cross Letter Folds - 10 pages

Diamond Lock Letter Folds (lots of them) - 48 pages

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